My name is Suze and I help coaches and health professionals break through the invisible wall that trauma creates both in you, your business and your clients

Are you compromising your own energy, talents and dreams because your family really needs you?

Are you holding off what you KNOW you should be doing because there is always something more urgent with kids, projects, your spouse or ‘life’?

As coach or therapist you are very aware of their own limiting beliefs, patterns and have healed most of these. You have been on your own journey for years already.

You have pure gold to give to your clients. Yet somehow, no matter what you do, learn or understand, there is this one ceiling in your own business, or with public speaking or in client results that you simply can’t seem to break. No matter how deep the mindset work, money pattern work or simply hard work effort goes. 

Too many clients burn you out, money is hard, you are working harder than anyone and, while you feel you should do things differntly, the system around you won’t always allow that and honestly? Sometimes you ask yourself if it is all worth it.

What makes that difficult are traumas and sabotage patterns that have been with you since early childhood. Yet simply ‘fixing’ them will backfire and make things worse!

Discover how you can work from a completely different place inside and create the results your Soul knows you could have.

Finally clear the path for what your soul is asking of you and your clients are looking for!

Book Suze As
A Speaker For
Your Next Event!

Ut enim ad minima veniam, quis nostrum exercitationem ullam corporis suscipit laboriosam, nisi ut aliquid ex ea commodi consequatur? Quis autem vel eum iure reprehenderit qui in ea voluptate.

Episode 021: The Money Interviews with Kate Norhtrup

Episode 021: The Money Interviews with Kate Norhtrup

Kate Northrup This week's Money Interview our guest is Kate Northrup. Author of Money, a Love Story - my business partner for one of my businesses and a great friend. Kate was one of the first people who inspired me on my own money journey, and if you have not read...


I have worked with trauma  for the past 20 years and studied trauma from all angles. From the most severe obvious abuse to where clients had a ‘perfect childhood’ not realising their developmental trauma patterns underneath it.

I teach coaches, therapists, doctors and health practitioners. They recognise trauma and recognise that helping ALL of their clients (instead of a few) reach their fullest potential needs a deeper approach. 

I help to shift both their level of working with trauma, their own lifes results and their business success. 

The world is waiting for you!


My name is Suze. I started out as a shipbuilding engineer, feeling only safe in the hidden world of ships at sea. On shore I was suicidal and felt lost. 

Until I decided to stop understanding life, and start allowing life to help me instead of fight everything I saw around me all the time.

What if you stop looking for the perfect strategy, doing everything on your own, willpower and all those tricks in search of results and just felt safe to trust your SOUL? I did it. And you can do it too.

Read more about me here.



I helped countless people, with their dream, their business, and expressing who they really are in the world. Watch, listen and read what they say about my approach to coaching and trauma therapy.


TWO day seminar BUSINESS & Trauma

A two-day training – both online or in person – that dives into the true nature of trauma, what trauma really is, how it shows up in life & business, why we think it needs fixing, why fixing doesn’t help and what you can really do that helps.

“Nothing Makes Me Happier than seeing the Spark in someones eyes when they FEEL it.”

—Suze Maclaine Pont, Business Coach & Trauma Therapist