Trauma Specialist for High Functioning Professionals – Trust your True Self and Thrive in your Calling Beyond Societal Expectations

Are you compromising your own energy, talents and dreams because your family really needs you?

Are you holding off what you KNOW you should be doing because there is always something more urgent with kids, projects, your spouse or ‘life’?
As a doctor, speaker, leader or coach or therapist, you’re deeply aware of your own limiting beliefs and patterns—and you’ve done the work.
You’ve been on a journey of growth and healing for years, and you have something truly valuable to offer your clients.
Yet, despite all your knowledge, skills, and dedication, there’s still a ceiling you can’t seem to break—whether it’s in your work, your practice, your energy, public speaking, or client breakthroughs. No matter how much mindset work, financial shifts, or sheer effort you put in, something keeps holding you back from doing the thing you feel called to do.
Clients drain your energy, work can feel like an uphill battle, and despite putting more into your work than ever, the system around you seems to resist the changes you know are necessary. And deep down, you wonder: Is it all really worth it?
The truth is, the barriers you face are rooted in deep-seated trauma and self-sabotage patterns formed in early childhood. And simply trying to ‘fix’ them won’t work—in fact, it often leads to more frustration and exhaustion.
It’s time to shift from effort to surrendering into who you were always meant to be deep down inside.
Discover how to work from a deeper, more sustainable place within yourself—one that allows your true self to emerge and thrive.
Clear the path for the impact your soul is calling you to make—and the transformation your clients are truly seeking.
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A Speaker For
Your Next Event!
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Money management system
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Money blueprints
In this podcast we're talking about how to build your business without sacrificing your relationships, your family, your life or anything else that is important to you while growing your business. In this episode we will talk about money blueprints. Do you...

Managing Money
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The two biggest problems when it comes to money and finance
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Episode 017: The Money Interviews
Mindy Stern This weeks interview is with Mindy Stern. Mindy is an American financial coach for self emloyed SUPER WOMAN. She lives in Israel and has been working around woman and money for the past years very succesfully. If you have ANY issues around...
Episode 016: The Money Interviews
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Episode 015: The Money Interviews!
Interview with Stephanie Ward Want to know about her work or connect with Stephanie? Go over to Fire Fly Coaching Leave your biggest insight down in the comments! Stay tuned for next week and stay awesome, xox, Suze
Episode 014: Money Mistake 5
Not understanding your part of the Money Game: beliefs, Money Blueprint and Inner Game Money can feel like something ‘outside of your control’. I know it has felt like that to me for many years. But really, it’s very simple: find someone with a problem, solve it for...
Episode 013: Money Mistake 4
Thinking Money is the Problem or the Solution. Money is easy. It'sJust a tool. All you need to do is earn it, keep some and grow it So why does it feel so difficult? Listen to today's episode and learn all about why money is NOT your problem and won't solve anything!...
Episode 012: Money Mistake 3: Using Emotions to deal with Money
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Episode 011: Money Mistake 2: thinking money is the solution to your problems
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Epsiode 10: Money Mistake 1 – Not Managing Your Money
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Episode 009: The 5 Biggest Money Mistakes
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Episode 008: Money and living your bigger purpose
Why you should never let money (or a lack of money) stop you from living your bigger purpose. Why does that person need to make more money? Doesn’t he have enough? Maybe it is not for the money! Or: I can't do that now, I need money first, then I can start. Is that...

Episode 007: How people around you determine your succes and your money
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Episode 006: Your Little Voice as Money Compass
We have been touching upon it multiple times, it is crucial and high time to really dive in deep today: your Little Voice. You know, the inner voice that just said: huh, what little voice? Everyone has one. No matter if you’re 8, 18 or 80. Wether you’re the daila...
I have worked with trauma for the past 20 years and studied trauma from all angles. From the most severe obvious abuse to where clients had a ‘perfect childhood’ not realising their developmental trauma patterns underneath it.
I teach coaches, therapists, doctors and health practitioners. They recognise trauma and recognise that helping ALL of their clients (instead of a few) reach their fullest potential needs a deeper approach.
I help to shift both their level of working with trauma, their own lifes results and their business success.
The world is waiting for you!
My name is Suze. I started out as a shipbuilding engineer, feeling only safe in the hidden world of ships at sea. On shore I was suicidal and felt lost.
Until I decided to stop understanding life, and start allowing life to help me instead of fight everything I saw around me all the time.
What if you stop looking for the perfect strategy, doing everything on your own, willpower and all those tricks in search of results and just felt safe to trust your SOUL? I did it. And you can do it too.
Read more about me here.
I helped countless people, with their dream, their business, and expressing who they really are in the world. Watch, listen and read what they say about my approach to coaching and trauma therapy.
“Nothing Makes Me Happier than seeing the Spark in someones eyes when they FEEL it.”
—Suze Maclaine Pont, Business Coach & Trauma Therapist