Weekly Emails by Suze
The Path of the Divine Warrior when it comes to Goal Setting 2023-10-23
Last week I was speaking to a client about goal setting and something really interesting came up: I have a OPPOSITE way of setting goals to most people. A very non intuitive way, that helps me both reach my goals, AND align deeply with my Divine part.
Most people think ‘surrender’ is giving up and seeing what will happen. I think it means truly aligning to make it happen purposefully.
If anything in this video resonates, then one of the 4 spots in the Divine Warrior 18 – 25 November might just be for you! Click the button below the video to sign up!
The world is waiting for YOU!
All my love,
Almost 3 weeks ago, I decided to commit myself to show up every single day during the week, throughout Monday to Friday.
I have a habit of being inconsistent, naturally I am not a consistent person in my energy.
Join my journey on healing myself while connecting with you and navigating through life!
Talk soon,
The world is waiting for YOU!
All my love,
Weekly email 2022-04-05
Subject: Do you ever have kitchen meltdowns?
Today was a good day. We have had new people joining the Business Miracles Academy, I had time for myself, I started a new knitting project, I took time off to take care of myself – ever since I had Covid I have been feeling way too tired.
And then, at the end of a nice day, I had a HUGE meltdown.
Being in harmony with life is NOT about ‘never having meltdowns’. It is about how we DEAL with them, what MEANING we give to them, and how we get back to our centre.
I created a live video [12.42] yesterday where I talk about it because it is SO IMPORTANT to create new meaning in these instances!
We don’t need to be in a place where nothing can trigger us. We need to be able to deal with these triggers IN the moment differently.
If any of this video resonates with you, then you might be a perfect fit for our Divine Warrior Retreat, where I teach you to navigate through life from your TRUE energy.
The doors to the application are open now, but we have a limit of 8 people.
So book your call today.
>> Book your application call HERE.
We will talk together and I see if you are a fit.
Talk soon,
The world is waiting for YOU!
All my love,
Weekly email 2022-03-29
Subject: Transparency, what does it even mean?
Transparency in business, what does it even mean?
We hear business owners talk about transparency a LOT, but what does it even mean? Does it mean that you show yourself all the time? Or not? How personal is good, when does it become too personal, what helps and what repels?
Why is it important and why is it SO HARD??!
I created a live video [19.51] yesterday where I talk about it because it is SO IMPORTANT.
If any of this video resonates with you, then you might be a perfect fit for our Money Miracles Business Academy, where I teach you to build your business from your own energy.
The doors are open now, but they close next week, April 6th. So apply today.
>> Click HERE to fill out your application.
I will read it and if I see it will be a fit, we’ll book a call.
Talk soon,
The world is waiting for YOU!
All my love,
Weekly email 2022-03-22
Subject: Where are you actually making a profit?
When we talk about profit we can look at that from many angles. Not just money!
I would even go further and say: if that is the only angle you take, it will become really hard to build your business. Profit needs to be secured in ALL angles.
So where ARE you making a profit?
I created a short live video [11.17] yesterday where I talk about it because it is SO IMPORTANT.
If you want to change this, then I wholeheartedly invite you to apply for our Business Miracles Academy.
In our Business Miracles Academy we work on all of the patterns that prevent you from making profit together for a year. We look at how they show up in your business, what that means for your marketing, we help you break through the trauma’s and we change the foundation of how you live, do business and create impact.
We also create new healthy patterns. So that your business and life is in Harmony with your Soul’s Song. We will go DEEP. Heal all your childhood trauma and help you build your business, life and dreams from your own energy, while everyone profits.
>> Click HERE to fill out your application.
I will read it and if I see it will be a fit, we’ll book a call.
Doors close on April 6th, so fill out your application NOW
Talk soon,
The world is waiting for YOU!
All my love,
Weekly email 2022-03-15
Subject: Why should entrepreneurs work on trauma’s?
I have been an entrepreneur for 22 years now, and there has been 1 thing that always blows my mind.
That is this: some entrepreneurs focus on business and success and believe that sacrifice is just a part of that, until it starts to feel like a self built prison. Some others refuse to go that path, but then ‘follow their heart’ and refuse to compromise, but don’t see how to make money…
But here’s the thing: NOBODY started a business because they wanted to build a prison. We all started for FREEDOM, right?
So where IS the freedom?
Many coaches will tell you that that is just a ‘mindset thing’. And sure, it might be. But…. way too many entrepreneurs are still working 80 hour weeks, taking care of everything and everybody, lying to themselves that that is all ‘worth it’.
Or, they think they ‘know what to do’ but fail to do these things, and punish themselves by talking to themselves as if they are lazy, incapable, and just not really good enough in the end.
Is it so hard to have both?
No, on the contrary: quite the opposite! It is EASY.
I created a short live video [13.42] yesterday where I talk about it because it is SO IMPORTANT.
>> Click HERE to join next week’s FREE Masterclass where we go DEEP into the 6 Wealth Wounds and how the Business Miracles Academy can help you change your life, your business and create the Harmony you are looking for.
Talk soon,
The world is waiting for YOU!
All my love,
Weekly email 2022-03-08
Subject: My BIGGEST roadblock of the past 2 years
Just when my business was in a place where we were in ‘happy cruising mode’, overnight everything changed due to the pandemic. Overnight, we went from offline seminars to online international seminars. That didn’t just bring new ideas and new customers, but a HUGE roadblock.
I created a live video [17.37] yesterday where I talk about it.
>> Use whatever is going on in the world to help you regain power, never to lose it!!
Talk soon,
The world is waiting for YOU!
All my love,
Weekly email 2022-02-28
Subject: War, trauma triggers, and small things we can and need to do
I have been feeling pretty overwhelmed last days. The war is triggering a LOT. A lot of family history. A lot of feeling powerless. The feeling of not really knowing what to do to answer to what is going on.
But there is something we all can and NEED to do.
We need to BE the answer.
I created a short live video [8.39] yesterday where I talk about it.
>> Use whatever is going on in the world to help you regain power, never to lose it!!
Talk soon,
The world is waiting for YOU!
All my love,
Weekly email 2022-02-21
Subject: [True/False] Should You Implement These 3 Marketing Tactics?
True or false? If you’re trying to grow your moneyflow in your business, should you implement these three common marketing tactics?
- Consistent posting on social media
- Free lead magnet on your website
- Create a high converting funnel
The answer will surprise you.
Watch the video to see if you guessed correctly… and… to discover four other so-called ‘money makers’ that keep you working 80 hours , distract you from what really matters, get your mind overloaded with tech stuff you never realised you needed and get you to question wether you actually will ever ‘get anywhere’, let alone ‘get there’.
>> NEVER work hard implementing marketing tactics if you want your money flow to increase
I can’t wait to meet you live during ‘Unlock Your Inner Power’!
See you there, all my love,
xo Suze