Work with Suze

Have a look around, and in case you have any questions, feel free to contact me or book a call

Integrative Trauma  Therapy Certification

Are you ready to take trauma to the level it SHOULD go??


Click below for options to learn the art of working with Soul Healing in trauma


Business Miracles Academy

Have you done a lot of personal development and business coaching, and yet it feels like an invisible ceiling is keeping you under? 

Click below for options to grow your business without selling out your Soul


Public Speaking Seminars & Coaching

Public speaking is the best way to reach more people, yet only if you speak from your heart on stage. Do you want to share your story get more out of speaking?

Click below for opportunities 


Personal Retreats

Are you brilliant at getting breakthroughs for your clients, yet also frustrated that they are not reaching the external results you KNOW they could reach?

My form of working with Trauma goes a LOT deeper than EMDR, polyvagal theory, NLP, nervous system resets or any of the  other ‘tools’ out there.

Traumawork can and should help your clients fully embody who they are meant to be, sharing their full light IN the world, not just ‘feeling better’ or ‘healing the wounds’.

That means YOU need to embody YOUR full Soul, not just in the clients presence, but also in your whole life.

Click below for options to learn the art of working with Soul Healing in trauma


Business Miracles Academy

Have you done a lot of personal development and business coaching, and yet you keep thinking you should be further along in your results?

Your business can only do as well as the level to which your energy has a chance to be expressed through it.

Your business ruthlessly shows you where your ego and ‘good intentions’ get in the way of your Soul.

Are you ready to truly make it a success on YOUR terms?

Click below for opportunities for business retreats,  the Integrative Trauma Therapy Certification Training and 1:1 work


Relationship Retreats & Coaching

If there is 1 aspect in our lives that is constantly helping us grow, it is our relationships.

But that mirror is not always easy to look into….

We trigger each other’s pain

We open each other’s hearts accidentally touching all the trauma that is still there beneath the surface

A relationship is an incredibly beautiful place for growth. But then you have to learn how to do that together. While it can feel like the other person really needs to do something this time…

Click below for opportunities for couples retreats and 2:2 coaching