What if there was a REAL way to grow and scale your business, without working 80 hours a week, burning out or sacrificing your kids, relationships and life?

Suze Maclaine Pont helps you to create Financial Harmony 

Live Online Zoom Masterclass: Thursday 16th September 2021    

CET 15:00 – 18:00 (Amsterdam) EST 09:00 – 12:00 (New York) – BST 14:00 – 17:00 (London)

Most entrepreneurs think they only have two options…


  1. Work themselves into the ground to achieve their financial goals – sacrificing family time, health, and happiness along the way.
  2. Compromise on their dreams – not achieve financial freedom so that they can spend time with their family
But there is another way

Join me in this livestream workshop in which you will learn that one skill that EVERY entrepreneur needs RIGHT NOW to come out of this crisis a stronger person than you entered it

CONTROL over your own economical destiny and your impact on the world that is emerging WITHOUT working 80 hours or sacrificing your values, kids or life. 

RIGHT NOW you are exactly in the right place, whatever is going on in the world around us.




Your are probably looking for the BEST system out there to implement and reach your goals. To create an impact. You are willing to do whatever it takes. Willing to stop at nothing to make it happen.

Especially in this worldwide crisis you are DETERMINED. If you don’t play full out now you might lose everything you have built up. So you are prepared to sacrifice. Prepared to work two jobs if you need to. Prepared to follow all the online trainings you need to get the leverage and reach the mountain top. You’ll take a rest once you get there. Winners are just cut out that way, right? This crisis will not get to you. You are better than that. 

And you ARE.

But secretly, deep down, you are aware that the price is high…. too high if you are really honest. I am not the first to tell you that reaching your goals should never cost you your health, relationships or life. But you just haven’t seen anyone around you do it in any other way. So, isn’t this just the way it works?


The problem is that no one ever showed you how to reach your BIG goals in 24 hours a week. There are simply not a lot of attractive role models out there. All you see is men on stages telling you that the most successful people are just the ones who are prepared to put in more work. Not very attractive, but hey, if that is what it takes, then that is what you will do. You take PRIDE in reaching those goals. And you are bloody serious about it! GAME ON!

But have you ever asked yourself this: are the systems and ‘recipes’ you are trying to follow really in line with YOUR unique talents?

Are you REALLY working at your best and leveraging YOUR talents? OR are you trying to ‘get’ somewhere hoping that that place will bring you freedom?

What if there was an EASY way to reach your goals, or better yet, to exceed them, without working so hard, and actually ENJOYING the process?

You don’t need anything other than what you have to create an impact, serve, reach your REAL life goals and create a flow in your bankaccount. More over: you can do this without sacrificing yourself, your life or your values. And if there was EVER a time where you can learn what this REALLY means, it is NOW. Waiting for ‘business as usual’ to return is pointless. What you should be doing instead is asking yourself these questions:

Is my true talent REALLY my ability to work hard? Or am I just trying to 'make it work' and neglecting my true intuition?

What is the ACTUAL root cause of success if it doesn't HAVE to be working yourself towards burn out?

If one recipe does not fit all, then how do I find MY recipe that works for ME?

What ARE my unique talents, and how can I start leveraging those?

How do I listen to my intuition when the world around me is in crisis mode?

How do I choose my own path when everyone is in survival mode and it doesn't seem relevant right now?

How do I create an opportunity out of all of this instead of a working hard HELL

How do I see opportunities when everything is being shut down?

How do I get to a place where the crisis starts working FOR me instead of against me?

How do I steer away from what the rest is doing without losing connection with reality?

How do I let go of old patterns without losing everything?

How can I choose my own path without fear when the economy is on the verge of collapse?

You ARE the answer. Not the victim…… despite the state the world is in.


Er zijn een aantal dingen die krachtige ondernemers doen tijdens een crisis die maken dat ze er sterker uit komen. Maar dat is voor elk mens weer NET anders. DAARDOOR er zijn een aantal dingen die de overige ondernemers doen die ze respect, energie en succes kosten, leiden tot hard werken, zorgen, in rondjes rennen en afleiding zoeken en zelfkritiek. Het verschil zit hem NIET in een ‘magisch’ recept. Als je dan onderneemt, doe het dan vanuit je eigen KRACHT. Ik leer je hoe.

Join the FREE Masterclass 'Your Money or Your Life' on September 16th 2021

Suze Maclaine Pont is the author of eight powerful trainings seminars where she teaches entrepreneurs how YOU can grow your business from your true power, where ever you are, whatever life throws on your plate. Not by using any ‘tricks’ or ‘recipes’ but by leveraging your OWN core strength. 

What is included in this Masterclass?
1 Hour with Suze Maclaine Pont

Er zijn een aantal dingen die krachtige ondernemers doen tijdens een crisis die maken dat ze er sterker uit komen. Maar dat is voor elk mens weer NET anders. DAARDOOR er zijn een aantal dingen die de overige ondernemers doen die ze respect, energie en succes kosten, leiden tot hard werken, zorgen, in rondjes rennen en afleiding zoeken en zelfkritiek. Het verschil zit hem NIET in een ‘magisch’ recept. Als je dan onderneemt, doe het dan vanuit je eigen KRACHT. Ik leer je hoe.

What is my investment?

Maximum 30 participants so register now before your seat is taken by someone else!

Masterclass Live Access



You will receive live access to the Masterclass event  including an email series to warm you up! (will drip into your inbox over time after registration)

Yes, I am IN!

And can’t wait to get warmed up!

just live, no replay

Masterclass VIP



*price excluding VAT

Masterclass Basic including email series

+ plus Replay recording

+  PLUS the “Money Magnet Course” worth €247

Livestream + VIP!

Incl. Money Magnet course + bonusvideo

access to replay + bonuses

All prices exclude 21% VAT

Frequently Asked Questions

Will there be a replay of the event?

Yes! If you buy the VIP ticket we will send you a replay the day after the Masterclass, so you can rewatch it or view any parts you missed in your own time and at your own speed. 

What time does the event start and how long will the masterclass be?

The Masterclass will start at De livestream start at 15.00 Central European Time (GMT +1) and will end at 18.00 but it might run longer if you ask great Questions…! 

If I am registered, can I share the link with my friends?

A registration is valid for 1 person. If you invite more people or you want to share it with your friends, please send them to this page:

I don't have any problems at this moment (my business is doing great, I still have enough money and customers) -- how will this help me?

This Masterclass will teach you a whole lot more than practical business skills. Suze is traumatherapist and teaches you in depth skills on how to deal with fear, insecurity, but most of all how to deal with who you are no matter WHAT life throws on your plate. From your core, YOUR gifts, YOUR talents, YOUR life. True freedom. Independant of ‘circumstances’.

What if I have a question that you don't adress?

No problem! Let’s talk – connect with me by sending an email to [email protected]